Bee Network

Greater Manchester’s vision for an integrated London-style transport system which will join together buses, trams, cycling, walking and rail.

Man riding a cycle hire bike on a city centre cycle lane with bus in the background

Bee Network

Greater Manchester’s vision for an integrated London-style transport system which will join together buses, trams, cycling, walking and rail.

Man riding a cycle hire bike on a city centre cycle lane with bus in the background
Electronic totaliser showing amount of cyclists who have used a particular stretch of cycle lane. Total stands at 975 for the day and over 350,000 in total

Infrastructure Investment

This cycling infrastructure investment programme aims to deliver on the Council’s Active Travel Strategy target to double cycling’s overall mode share from 6% to 12% by 2028. 

Infrastructure Investments

This cycling infrastructure investment programme aims to deliver on the Council’s Active Travel Strategy target to double cycling’s overall mode share from 6% to 12% by 2028.

Electronic totaliser showing amount of cyclists who have used a particular stretch of cycle lane. Total stands at 975 for the day and over 350,000 in total

School Streets

Promoting active travel to transform the school run and encourage safe, healthy school travel whilst promoting air quality around school sites.

A line of school children standing with bikes in front of a school building

School Streets

Promoting active travel to transform the school run and encourage safe, healthy school travel whilst promoting air quality around school sites.

A line of school children standing with bikes in front of a school building
A multi-use traffic junction with protected cycle lanes and pedestrain crossings alongside vehicles

Chorlton Cycleway

The Chorlton Cycleway is a 5km, high-quality cycle route with protected lanes and CYCLOPS (Cycle Optimised Protected Signals) junctions connecting Manchester city centre with the suburb of Chorlton.

Chortlon Cycleway

The Chorlton Cycleway is a 5km, high-quality cycle route with protected lanes and CYCLOPS (Cycle Optimised Protected Signals) junctions connecting Manchester city centre with the suburb of Chorlton.

A multi-use traffic junction with protected cycle lanes and pedestrain crossings alongside vehicles

Cycle Hire Scheme

Greater Manchester’s first publicly operated, self-service, 24/7 cycle hire scheme.

Group of people chatting outside a cafe with cycle hire bikes in the foreground

Cycle Hire Scheme

Greater Manchester’s first publicly operated, self-service, 24/7 cycle hire scheme.

Group of people chatting outside a cafe with cycle hire bikes in the foreground
An E-bike

Making Cycling E-asier

Supporting communities in Manchester by providing free skills and confidence sessions as well as free one-month e-cycle loans.

Making Cycling


Supporting communities in Manchester by providing free skills and confidence sessions as well as free one-month e-cycle loans.

An E-bike

Big Bike Revival

Helping everyone and anyone to begin or return to cycling through a programme of free activities that enable people to start cycling.

Woman learning bike maintenance

Big Bike Reveal

Helping everyone and anyone to begin or return to cycling through a programme of free activities that enable people to start cycling.

Woman learning bike maintenance