Infrastructure Investment

Manchester City Council secured investment of £70m to deliver high quality cycling infrastructure on the highway, including provision of kerb-separated cycle lanes, cycle priority junction improvements and modal filters to international best practice standards.

This cycling infrastructure investment programme aims to deliver on the Council’s Active Travel Strategy target to double cycling’s overall mode share from 6% to 12% by 2028.

In 2017 the first flagship multi-modal sustainable transport corridor was completed, along Oxford Road/Wilmslow Road from the city centre heading south, through the university and hospitals district, to the south of the city.

This scheme delivered over 5km of kerb-separated cycle lanes, which has led to over one million cycle journeys per year (except during periods of Coronavirus restrictions) and estimated emissions savings of 1.9 tonnes of NO2 and 873 tonnes of carbon, per year. The scheme won the Excellence in Cycling and Walking category at the 2018 National Transport Awards.

2024 will see a major scheme delivered on Deansgate to deliver protected cycle lanes and CYCLOPS junctions at Liverpool Road and Quay St, connecting the 5km Chorlton Cycleway with Deansgate, the city centre’s most prominent shopping, leisure and cultural street. The scheme is part of the city delivering on the Bee Network and Active Travel Strategy vision.

Another major scheme will be delivered in Ancoats, just to the north of the city centre, connecting major housing developments to the city centre network, with a combination of protected cycle lanes, CYCLOPS junctions, quiet low-traffic streets and a cycle/pedestrian bridge over the Ashton Canal.

Electronic totaliser showing amount of cyclists who have used a particular stretch of cycle lane. Total stands at 975 for the day and over 350,000 in total

Infrastructure Investment

Manchester City Council secured investment of £70m to deliver high quality cycling infrastructure on the highway, including provision of kerb-separated cycle lanes, cycle priority junction improvements and modal filters to international best practice standards.

This cycling infrastructure investment programme aims to deliver on the Council’s Active Travel Strategy target to double cycling’s overall mode share from 6% to 12% by 2028.

In 2017 the first flagship multi-modal sustainable transport corridor was completed, along Oxford Road/Wilmslow Road from the city centre heading south, through the university and hospitals district, to the south of the city.

Electronic totaliser showing amount of cyclists who have used a particular stretch of cycle lane. Total stands at 975 for the day and over 350,000 in total

This scheme delivered over 5km of kerb-separated cycle lanes, which has led to over one million cycle journeys per year (except during periods of Coronavirus restrictions) and estimated emissions savings of 1.9 tonnes of NO2 and 873 tonnes of carbon, per year. The scheme won the Excellence in Cycling and Walking category at the 2018 National Transport Awards.

2024 will see a major scheme delivered on Deansgate to deliver protected cycle lanes and CYCLOPS junctions at Liverpool Road and Quay St, connecting the 5km Chorlton Cycleway with Deansgate, the city centre’s most prominent shopping, leisure and cultural street. The scheme is part of the city delivering on the Bee Network and Active Travel Strategy vision.

Another major scheme will be delivered in Ancoats, just to the north of the city centre, connecting major housing developments to the city centre network, with a combination of protected cycle lanes, CYCLOPS junctions, quiet low-traffic streets and a cycle/pedestrian bridge over the Ashton Canal.