The significance of our relationship with Manchester City Council cannot be overstated – it is after all the place that our journey as a company started. Back in 2013 we were invited to put forward our recommendations on how we could improve the tools that the council were currently using to deliver their sport and physical activity programmes. It was these recommendations that led to us being commissioned to design, develop and deliver our groundbreaking Kinetic Insight Pro solution. Kinetic Insight Pro is currently used to manage, measure, monitor and evidence the physical activity programmes that the council deliver, including Active Lifestyles, Community Games, and ParkLives.
During the development of Kinetic Insight Pro we were approached again by Manchester City Council to propose a new digital solution that would help them to manage their school swimming programme more effectively. The council were proud to be deliver the most successful school swimming programme in the country, but they were becoming increasingly disillusioned with having to collect data on paper forms and then copying this data into spreadsheets manually for reporting. We were commissioned to develop a bespoke solution, Swimphony, that would allow swimming instructors to capture attendance and attainment data via tablet computers at poolside, and then synchronised this data instantly to our servers at the end of each lesson. This data is made available to the schools and school swimming programme co-ordinators via a secure web interface.
We continue to work with Manchester City Council to ensure that our solutions are equipped to exceed their expectations at all times. For more information regarding our work with Manchester City Council, please contact us on 0800 808 9004 or by email