New Cycle Storage Facilities at Parks Across the City
Manchester City Council’s Parks Service, working in partnership with TfGM, as part of their Active Travel Programme, and our park friends groups, were successful in securing £15,000 in funding for the installation of new cycle storage facilities at a number of parks across the city.
Manchester City Council were able to leverage an additional £45,000 contribution, bringing the total value of investment to £60,000.
Work has recently been completed and new secure cycle stands and covered shelters have been installed at five parks, including Boggart Hole Clough, Debdale Park, Platt Fields Park, Fog Lane Park and Wythenshawe Park.
The new stand has just been installed at Wythenshawe Park (See image)

New Cycle Storage Facilities at Parks Across the City
Manchester City Council’s Parks Service, working in partnership with TfGM, as part of their Active Travel Programme, and our park friends groups, were successful in securing £15,000 in funding for the installation of new cycle storage facilities at a number of parks across the city.
Manchester City Council were able to leverage an additional £45,000 contribution, bringing the total value of investment to £60,000.
Work has recently been completed and new secure cycle stands and covered shelters have been installed at five parks, including Boggart Hole Clough, Debdale Park, Platt Fields Park, Fog Lane Park and Wythenshawe Park.
The new stand has just been installed at Wythenshawe Park (See Image).