Number 93 Community Centre and Moston Cycling Club

Number 93 is a wellbeing centre in Harpurhey – one of the wards highlighted in the Making Manchester Fairer Action Plan as having significant health inequalities. The centre offers services for anyone in the area who needs them, including those experiencing social isolation and mental health illness. The centre manager was keen to include cycling in the activities offered at the centre and applied for TfGM funding to deliver cycling and walking. This included bike library funding for bikes and storage. No. 93 teamed up with Moston Cycling Club who had Big Bike Revival and Manchester Active funding to deliver community cycling, including regular led rides and learn to ride. This regular physical and social activity enables centre users to become more active and improve their health and wellbeing.

Recently led rides from the centre have visited local community projects – linking people to the places in their communities. Bikes are also offered to children, enabling a family riding offer, and participants are signposted to other cycling activity in the city, as well as training and volunteering opportunities. All the activity offered is free, as the costs of bikes, equipment and maintenance would be unaffordable to many centre users.  

Through the collaboration between Number 93 wellbeing centre and Moston Cycling Club and their hard work and dedication to cycling, there is now a regular community cycling offer of led rides, learn to ride, bike maintenance and family cycling activity.  

The successful collaboration between Number 93 Community Centre and Moston Cycling Club, and the impact they have had on their local community, was recognised at the Manchester Sports Awards 2022 when they won ‘Community Project of the Year’ 

Group of four people with bikes wearing Big Bike Revival branded overalls and t-shirts

Number 93 Community Centre and Moston Cycling Club

Number 93 is a wellbeing centre in Harpurhey – one of the wards highlighted in the Making Manchester Fairer Action Plan as having significant health inequalities. The centre offers services for anyone in the area who needs them, including those experiencing social isolation and mental health illness. The centre manager was keen to include cycling in the activities offered at the centre and applied for TfGM funding to deliver cycling and walking. This included bike library funding for bikes and storage. Number 93 teamed up with Moston Cycling Club who had Big Bike Revival and Manchester Active funding to deliver community cycling, including regular led rides and learn to ride. This regular physical and social activity enables centre users to become more active and improve their health and wellbeing.

Group of four people with bikes wearing Big Bike Revival branded overalls and t-shirts

Recently led rides from the centre have visited local community projects – linking people to the places in their communities. Bikes are also offered to children, enabling a family riding offer, and participants are signposted to other cycling activity in the city, as well as training and volunteering opportunities. All the activity offered is free, as the costs of bikes, equipment and maintenance would be unaffordable to many centre users.  

Through the collaboration between Number 93 wellbeing centre and Moston Cycling Club and their hard work and dedication to cycling, there is now a regular community cycling offer of led rides, learn to ride, bike maintenance and family cycling activity.  

The successful collaboration between Number 93 Community Centre and Moston Cycling Club, and the impact they have had on their local community, was recognised at the Manchester Sports Awards 2022 when they won ‘Community Project of the Year’